Monday, February 12, 2007

for your eyes only

hello all! as some folks know, i've been diligently working on a new comic in recent weeks. it's called friends of pendragon park, and i'm super stoked about it. since a few people have asked to see sketches, i thought i'd start a little blog to chronicle my progress. i'm still in preliminary stages at the moment (ironing out plot lines, working out the look of the characters, trying to loosen the fuck up!) but i have some rough character sketches and i'll keep posting stuff as it comes.

i also thought i could use this blog to post the pages from cottontales, my first comic, since i've run out of hard copies twice and i don't think i'll be printing up any more. i made it in 2004 as a one-off book for peat's birthday, and then with his encouragement, printed it up as a zine and distributed about 200 copies to a random assortment of living rooms, comic book shops, friend's hands, and the mobilelivre project. i hope you like it. it's kind of, well...precious.

that's it for my inaugural post! here we go...

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