ok, here are the pages from cottontales! it was conceived as an august to august calendar (one page for each month). it worked out ok as a book, too! these are low res scans, so reading can be a bit hard on the eyes. should i caption them? yeah, i totally will.

backstage, after the show.../please don't make this harder than it already is, tony/a whole year? just to see, tony./how about a card trick?/for old times sake.../you're sweet.

you like willie? sure./on the road again...i sure do love this song./last stop little buddy. you be careful out there. these are rough parts.

sick and filthy from the streets, i found myself on a doorstep that reminded me of home./as it turned out, it was a women's shelter. they took me in and nursed me back to health./at thanksgiving there was a wonderful meal for everyone./but once i was feeling better, they had to set me free. they drove me out of the city to a wooded area and released me into the wild. we'll miss you, bunny.

as it happened, one of my emancipators was playboy playmate of the year, tiffany lacompte. animal cruelty was listed under "dislikes" in her centerfold profile./i was invited to do a photo shoot with the bunnies and hugh hefner, which of course i did not pass up./after the flashbulbs died down, the girls did a burlesque number that was as hot and cheesy as a plate of nachos./then a private meeting with high. he looks a lot older in person. wanna go for a soak?/when the day's bugaboo had subsided, tiffany told me that she planned to gift me to her niece, who lived on a farm, for easter. this, i thought, sounded ok.

things started out a little shakey. i didn't realize there was another pet in the picture./i don't think she realized there was another pet in the picture either./it was awkward at first.../but it wasn't long before we became good friends. i had forgotten how comforting companionship could be./shortly after easter, amber, tiffany's niece, lost interest in a second pet. her father released me into some nearby woods, after scolding her for not taking care of her things.

hello, friend. uh, hi./you look lost, but i think i can help you find your way./i didn't know what he was talking about.../but he seemed to know where he was going.../then all of a sudden, there it was... right around this bend...

it was the most beautiful sight my eyes had ever witnessed. this, my turtle friend told me, was cutopia...

everywhere i looked i saw bunnie!/bunnies snuggling.../bunnies loving.../bunnies playing.../it was hard to believe that such a place could exist, and yet here it was./it had everything a bunny could ever want. in fact, there was only one thing it was missing./tony...

is it time already? yeah, it's been a year now./and i really miss tony./i left just before the sun came up... don't forget to write!/by the time i got to the bus station it was already dark.

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